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Crish Melo
Abstentionist, ct USA - Monday, October 23, 2006 at 09:28:55 (PDT)
i need a FBI card
Guardianist, makati/bicol philippines - Saturday, October 14, 2006 at 07:05:19 (PDT)
Guardianist, makati/bicol philippines - Saturday, October 14, 2006 at 06:52:25 (PDT)
Almost former Baha'i
Bonny <>
Abstentionist, Delaware USA - Friday, October 13, 2006 at 09:04:15 (PDT)
Ejanti <>
Baha'i-in-Spirit, MI US - Friday, March 03, 2006 at 16:19:29 (PST)
NolF onio evr ee sv e r
NolF <>
Saucer Seeker, wa australia - Friday, October 14, 2005 at 13:04:22 (PDT)
liplep < >
Abstentionist, - Thursday, July 28, 2005 at 15:13:38 (PDT)
I was christan and then my aunt told me of a better way
shannon joyce austin < >
Baha'i-in-Spirit, nc usa - Thursday, July 14, 2005 at 07:32:07 (PDT)
vito lombardi <>
Insider, italy milan - Tuesday, March 22, 2005 at 08:08:47 (PST)
Hi, I move a lot from Denmark to Norway, from Norway to Sweden and then back to Denmark (and I am born in Finland), so I don´t know any longer which country owns me :> In the beginning I had to become buddhist to understand Christianity. Later on I studied gnosticism a lot, and tried very hard to understand the mystic Gnostic Gospels found in a clay pot in Nag Hammadi in Egypt 1945: The Gospel of Mary of Magdala, The Gospel of Thomas, etc. I truly believe that parts of the New Testament are falsified, and that the early Church cencored a lot of Christian texts because they threatened patriarchal structure the Catholic church. Since 1998 I am also a bahá’í. I like Star Trek and bahá’í sounded like something from Star Trek, with a Federation, etc… The gnostic God and the bahá’í God both are absolute trancendeltal Gods, unreachable even for the Highest Saints and the most Powerful Angels. The Gnosticism and the Bahá’í are also in agreement about: that the Creation is still going on, that men and women must be treated equal, that the Bible shall be interpreted in a spiritual way and not literally, that our materialistic world captures us by delusions specially reduced price, etc, etc. But the Gnosticism and the Bahá’í are NOT in agreement about what the human soul really is and who God really is. As you probably have heard, the gnostic faith is that every man and woman within carry a Spark or a Vestige or a Trace of God, a very small flame which turns to a big bonfire when the man waken with GNOSIS (=knowledge or insight about God). But if you ask a bahá’í he claims that the human soul don’t contain any fire from God. If you ask a gosticist, the creator is a lower and jealous god (a demiurg, in the Bible named Jahve) who has enslaved the humankind by sending our devine souls to captivity in the human flesh at this planet. The Superior God (the real God) has nothing to do with the pain and suffering we must bear. The Superior God don’t need a human race, but the Demiurg Jahve do. Maybe the real God some day will punish Jahve or Jah or Jehova for his crimes against the humanity, I don’t know, but the swindler Demiurg still demands that every man and woman must worship him and only him. And Bahá’u’lláh also support the Demiurg, who has a serious inferiority complex. That is why Bahá’u’lláh must call him by so many names in the prayers. Caspian In the beginning I had to become buddhist to understand Christianity. Later I studied gnosticism a lot, and tried very hard to understand the mystic Gnostic Gospels found in a clay pot in Nag Hammadi in Egypt 1945:
Caspian Fornax <>
Baha'i-in-Spirit, Scandinavia - Sunday, February 13, 2005 at 16:37:25 (PST)
Erm, Hi?
Mariku <>
Baha'i-in-Spirit, Louth Ireland - Tuesday, November 23, 2004 at 15:32:30 (PST)
Your chronology is fascinating- in some ways it resembles my own chronologic dilemma as a Baha'i. After many years, I have come to recognize the inherrent difficulties associated with the Baha'i interpretation of events- specially when one has to "uphold the best image of Baha'ism" in light of incest- rape - money laundering that have been undertaken by the highest ranking Baha'i officials. Baha'ism having a small presence in the world arena (despite the official propaganda to the contrary- such as involvement in UN affairs)- has not been touched by the major crisis of other religions- YET! But time will come- and the wool will be removed from the eyes of the un-believers for ever (believers of Baha'ism will not be swayed by crisis- they call it "divine tests needed to cleanse mankind"). Thank you for sharing your thoughts- and please accept my deepest condoleances for your sisters's death. Alivine
Alivine <>
Millenarian, Washington D.C. USA - Thursday, August 05, 2004 at 19:54:08 (PDT)
I'm a BIGS, but the exit interview is being planned as we speak.
Steve Marshall <>
Insider, Otago New Zealand - Friday, July 23, 2004 at 04:48:00 (PDT)
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