… and keep your credit cards close to your vest!
… and Burn in Hell, Budget!

Keep your credit cards close to your vest!
I just got a cheque in the mail for $9.95 to be paid to me. It’s a very official, professional-looking cheque, addressed to “California Resident”, and issued from “California Processing Center”. I was set to cash the damned thing, when my wife Carolyn — bless her observant soul — pointed out to me that I was being scammed. She showed me the small print on the back of the cheque:
By cashing this check I agree to a thirty-day trial offer in Just for Me. I understand that the $13.99 monthly fee will be automatically billed to the card I have on file at Budget unless I cancel my membership by calling 1-877-658-9097 before the end of the trial period …
From another blogger who nearly got suckered by the same scam: Beware: Budget Car Rental Autovantage $10 Check Scam